The Joys of Financial Aid

By Ashleigh Harper

The joys of financial aid. Who says that? Many find the process of financial aid daunting, cumbersome, and challenging–parents and financial aid professionals alike. This blog post is coming to you on the heels of the Association of Independent School Admission Professionals (AISAP) Financial Aid Institute, a place where financial aid professionals come together to talk about said challenges, but also: Why do we do what we do, and how can we do it better? Most kids don’t dream of becoming financial aid professionals. They dream of being doctors, lawyers, firefighters, or (more unrealistically) unicorns. In fact, most people in financial aid have stumbled their way into it (myself included!). So, why do the people who’ve found themselves working in financial aid choose to stay? It’s hard work, and you sometimes have to have tough conversations with families. Through all of that though, you can find great joy. 

At the very beginning of the institute, the first question posed to us was, “What brings us joy in our financial aid work?” My gut reaction for an answer was, “Granting the award,” or telling a family we can provide aid for their student. I shared this answer with a room of people who agreed. We love and find great joy in making a student’s dream of attending our school a reality. We love being able to say, “Yes, we want you here, AND we can give you what you need to make this a reality.” Personally, I also find joy in learning more about our students’ families. While the admission process gives us one view of a student, I learn an entirely different side of a student through the financial aid process. The trust families put in me with some of their most private information is humbling and brings a level of satisfaction when I know we can help. 

The process of determining financial need can sometimes feel disconnected. But it is so much more human than calculating numbers. Yes, numbers are there, and we need those; but what else is happening? Did you recently lose a job, lose a family member, gain a family member, get divorced, get married, or move? The list of possible life changes goes on and on, and they create a picture of the family and the student–that is removed and separate from the admission process. Financial aid professionals have the unique opportunity to get to know our families and students in a way that the application process leaves out. This process connects us on a different level and brings many financial aid professionals joy. Being able to tell a family that we can meet their needs and welcome their student to our campus is incredibly fulfilling. 

We want to help you. We want to learn your story. If attending our school is a financial stretch for your family, please apply for financial aid. Even if you’re on the fence, unsure if you even qualify for aid, apply! Although we are not need-blind, for the last two years The Downtown School has been able to meet 100% of the demonstrated need of our enrolled students. The Downtown School was founded out of a desire to provide a strong, academically rigorous school that is more accessible, both economically and geographically, to the families of the Greater Seattle area. 

Our financial aid application for the 2023-2024 school year is now open. Visit our Access & Affordability page for more information or give me (Ashleigh Harper) a call at 206-717-2859 to talk through your own situation. I’m here to help and I look forward to hearing your story.


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