News & Blog

Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

The Aim of Writing

I begin writing instruction with the opening question: Why are we writing in the first place?

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

“The Perfection Trap”: A Book Review

I have gained more perspective about the many ways that socially prescribed perfectionism is affecting us all, and in particular our children, along with some new insights into how to reframe conversations with students who are looking for ways to break free from the stress of perfectionism.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

Interdisciplinary Bridge-Building through Co-Teaching and Learning

Co-teaching an unfamiliar topic alongside those with different pedagogical backgrounds arms you with tools to later implement in your "regular" classes. In particular, my colleagues taught me the importance of scaffolding a creative project. Frequent and regular low-stakes assignments not only motivate students to stay on track, they also provide teachers the opportunity to give feedback on different components of the project.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

Place-Based Education

Unlocking a student's potential for mathematical thinking requires bridging the gap between abstract concepts and real-life experiences. Recognizing the importance of connecting students with their surroundings, experiences, and interests is a pivotal step toward helping them envision their own capabilities in mathematics.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

Navigating the Drama Triangle, Part 2

How are you relating to others, to your experience, and even to yourself? Are you relating in ways that produce or perpetuate drama, or in ways that empower others and yourself to be more resourceful, resilient, and innovative?

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

Navigating the Drama Triangle

In 1968, psychologist Stephen Karpman published a now commonly used framework to describe relational conflict, The Drama Triangle. In this model, people participating in a conflict assume one of three roles: Victim, Persecutor, or Rescuer. In so doing, a person who launches the triangle from any position snares their conversation-mates into the other roles. 

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

The True Untrue Stories We Tell

The Downtown School students have an energy and curiosity that makes teaching them so much fun. They want to know the stories, and they want to see their knowledge applied. They push us to give them the stories and then they poke holes in the stories, as they should. Because maybe part of what we’re teaching is not really what we think we’re teaching. Rather than simply teaching my students how electric circuits work, maybe the more subtle, oft-unstated goal is that we are teaching those in our care to create analogies and stories, by which they will make some sense of the world.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

Values, Rights, and Duties…through the Lens of AI?

How you choose to frame a question will dictate what values you will invoke from this AI system. This system is a great way for students to learn how to ask questions that will invoke the values and rights that they want to prioritize. It is up to us as a school to help them learn to ask questions, to discover their own values.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

Listening at The Downtown School

Laying a foundation for effective listening early in their high-school career, our students will set themselves up to become effective communicators in a diverse world in which yes, your voice matters, but also in which people long to be seen and heard.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

From Luca and Zoë: To the Class of 2023

We know that while we were all studying for the SATs, applying to college, working through finals, and trying to remember to breathe every now and then, we had our eyes set on this day—this achievement. This was the accomplishment that would set us on yet another path with yet another faraway day where we’ll once more be able to say, “We did it!”

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

En el umbral — On the Threshold…

We have inhabited the known for some time, even our fears and anxieties bring us the comfort of familiarity. Big exams, and comment writing periods, are obstacles we’ve surmounted many times, and there’s a comfort in that.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

To the Class of 2023

While self reflection is a skill we’re glad you’ve developed, are you ready to hear some data about your teachers’ feedback? Some quick summary statistics. In total there were approximately 70,000 comments made on your submissions. That’s an average of 2187 per student.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

DTS Year in Review

This is a special time because it affords me the opportunity to reflect upon the year’s successes for The Downtown School, as well as make goals for the coming year.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

Lessons from History

But what I want the students to take away from the project is not a lesson in history but a lesson from history. A lesson on what happens if people find themselves unable to talk and listen to each other. A lesson on how even people who could agree can find themselves divided.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

Welcoming Students’ Linguistic and Cultural Repertoires into the Spanish Classroom

At The Downtown School, as we introduce topics in Spanish class, we give students options and support them to find out how far they want to go with their learning. They know that they can bring their worlds into the classroom and that the expectation is to demonstrate their learning through a final product in Spanish. As choice leads them to learn responsibly, our students take more ownership over their own learning in many ways. In the process, they also learn more about the world and their developing selves.

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Brian Crawford Brian Crawford

When It Comes to Raising Confident Kids, Don’t Waffle

Practicing any skill creates muscle memory and a sense of agency so that the next time a similar challenge arises, it feels slightly easier. Our kids have the capacity to accomplish great things, as parents and guardians, we just need to stop hovering and get out of the way.

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